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Magician Worldwide > Magician Europe > Magician Hungary

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Bűvészek Magyarországon



 VIP Magician Richard Stooker
V.I.P. Magician Richard Stooker may very well be the jet set‚s best-kept secret but surely is one of the world‚s top magic performers.

With performances in 18 countries worldwide and his magic television show aired in over 80 countries Richard has truly made an international name for himself receiving nothing but critical acclaim.
VIP Magician Richard Stooker
In 25 years has earned the reputation of (The Gentleman of Magic‚ because he doesn't seek publicity or needs to have his name announced everywhere he goes. Instead Richard works mostly on referral due to the incredibly private and often high profile nature of his clientele.

Richard‚s performances draw on century‚s worth of magic theory, live theatre experience and his utterly unique style of audience interaction that has become his trademark. Richard understands how much his clients value excellence, world-class entertainment and discretion.

Each and every performance is tailored according to the client's specific wishes, ens
VIP Magician Richard Stookeruring the success and memorability of any event. Whether it is an intimate surprise wedding, a fundraising benefit, a corporate party, a product launch or a private event: Richard's participation will always enhance the experience and will never detract.

If you demand quality. If you demand exclusivity; V.I.P. Magician Richard Stooker really is your only choice.
Performs: Close Up, Cabaret, Stage, Comedy, Street and Mentalism
Where is he based?:
The Netherlands
Where does he perform?:
Richard is a fully paid up member of The Magician Directory



Alex the Magician                       

Hungarian Magician Alex the Magician

James Randi wrote in his "CONJURING" BOOK:

"Alex is the shaman, the mountbank, the warlock and the enchanter of the world's storybooks. He is magic."
James Randi, Plantation, Florida,
January 1992.

Alex – Sándor Horváth – is a Hungarian-born magician, who started his first activities in magic in 1990. At that time he worked at the most difficult variety of magic: "street performing." Thus engaged, and to gain work experience and language skills, he traveled to the biggest cities in Europe and then began doing cabaret engagements and working for business conferences.

Performs: Cabaret, Stage, Comedy, Street, Mentalism and Children's Magic
Where is he based?:
Budapest, Hungary
Where does he perform?:


Csirmaz András                              

Hungarian Magician Csirmaz András

MLSZ, Strabag, Volánbusz, UEFA, Lego...
partnerek, akiknél már elvarázsoltam a közönséget.

Ha Ön is szeretne egy emlékezetes műsort rendezvényére, keressen meg elérhetőségeimen!
Performs: Close Up, Cabaret and Mentalism
Where is he based?:
Where does he perform?:


Botond Kelle                                    

Hungarian Magician Botond Kelle

Szórakoztató­vá és különleges­sé szeretné tenni rendezvény­ét?
Egyedi bűvész­műsor­ommal emlékeze­tes­sé teheti vendégei számára

céges­- vagy magán­rendezvény­ét.
Lepje meg vendégeit bűvészműsorral!

Humoros elemeket tartalmazó műsor­ban a trükkök interaktív módon, a nézők segítségével történnek. Az előadás angol és német nyelven is kérhető. Legyen szó fogadás­ról, esküvő­ről, születésnapi parti­ról, kiállítás­ról, bankett­ről, hotel­-, éttermi vagy egyéb
rendezvény­ről: a bűvészműsor mindig az esemény jellegéhez igazított, testreszabott.

Performs: Close Up, Cabaret, Stage, Comedy and Children's Magic
Where is he based?:
Budapest, Hungary
Where does he perform?:


Danny Blue                                     

Hungarian Magician Danny Blue

Danny Blue mentalista-gondolatolvasó izgalmas showjában egyedi és megdöbbentő mutatványokba vonja be a nézőket.
A mentalista olyan előadóművész, aki képes a gondolatolvasásra. Műsorában – kísérletek keretében –megmutatja, hogyan tudja a nézőket befolyásolni, elrejtett, távoli gondolatokat és tárgyakat felismerni, csupán a gondolatátvitel segítségével.

Nyugaton ez a műfaj mostanában kezd elterjedni, hazánkban pedig – hosszú felkészülést követően – Danny Blue vállalkozott arra, hogy megpróbál belelátni mások gondolataiba.
Danny interaktív műsorát, akár német vagy angol nyelven, színpadon és közvetlen közelről egyaránt előadja.
Vajon tényleg létezik gondolatolvasás?
Lehet-e látni előre a jövőt?
Tudunk befolyással lenni a saját sorsunkra?

Ha kíváncsi a válaszokra, és vendégeit szeretné elgondolkodtatni, rendelje meg Danny Blue műsorát!

Performs: Close Up and Stage
Where is he based?:
Where does he perform?:


Laslo Galeazzi                                 

Hungarian Magician Laslo Galeazzi

Io preferisco faccio la magia comica, insieme con due trucchi d'illusionismo. Mi piace far ridere il pubblico. Vi garantisco,che ci riesco. Fino adesso avevo fatto piu di 55OO spettacoli sia in Ungheria che in Italia e gli Stati Uniti.

Performs: Cabaret, Stage, Comedy, Children's Magic and Illusionista
Where is he based?:
Budapest, Hungary
Where does he perform?:


Tamas Breiner                                 

Hungarian Magician Tamas Breiner

Tamás Breiner is a mentalist, a performer, a master of mental acuity and mind control. He was born in Budapest, Hungary on Christmas Eve in 1973. Since his early childhood he has been fascinated by mysteries and magic. However, even at that early age he did not rely on his sheer imagination to unravel mysteries. His first encounter with mentalism took place at the age
of 17 when he realized that the world around us is not shrouded in mystery, provided that you have the mental capacity to see it the right way.

Tamás has become a very well known and extremely popular practitioner of mentalism. His extraordinary performances provide first-class entertainment to his audience and he can prove it time after time that he can read the minds of his audience. He performs proficiently in front of spectators who are awed by his special skills to deduct their thoughts while he displays mental acuity and he creates the appearance of possessing the ability of mind reading, precognition, clairvoyance suggestion and telepathy.

Please join Tamás Breiner on a magical mystical ride into the unknown. His awe-inspiring, sometimes shocking, or simply surprising performances of mentalism will take you as close to uncharted areas of the mind as it is possible.

Performs: Close Up, Stage and Mentalism
Where is he based?:
Budapest, Hungary
Where does he perform?:


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Performs: Close Up, Cabaret and Stage
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